Nix Puno
January 23 - February 13, 2021
2020 saw me learning that charcoal on paper is fragile (more so than graphite). It just sits there loosely, not really binding to the paper. It literally can be swept by the wind. The year also saw how fragile our lives are, as well as the things we often hold on to. A lot of the things we were used to in our lives - some things and places - literally gathered dust because of the pandemic.
In a skit in the British gag show Little Britain, Fat Fighters guru Marjorie Dawes said, "It's actually very low in fat. You can have as much dust as you like."
It's quite a scary prospect to be so fragile. But then the word dust also reminds me of Psalm 103 which gives hope:
"As a father has compassion on his children,
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;
for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust."